My EDE Framework for Task Management

As an entrepreneur and marketer working on multiple projects at the same time, I used various frameworks to manage my work. Over the years, I’ve tried many different approaches to manage my tasks and increase my productivity, but I always felt like something was missing. That’s when I came up with the EDE framework – … Read more

My APOC Framework for Writing LinkedIn Posts

I use the APOC Framework for LinkedIn content writing. In this article, I’ll share how I use this framework and how it helped me double my LinkedIn post impressions. Background LinkedIn is one of my key content channels where I talk about my startup journey, the online businesses that I’m building, as well as share … Read more

Getting high on healthy habits

While consumption of substances is an easy tool to the high, it’s most often short-lived and comes with its side effects. I’ve been focusing on creating healthy habits that lead to a natural “high” state. This high is the real sh*t… It comes with a short-term high + long-term benefits for life. Here are some … Read more

25+ Online Note Taking Tools


While the notebook and pen have been my favorite note-taking tool of all time. At some point, we all realize the importance of documenting timelines, searching and indexing our notes and carrying them virtutally anywhere. All of us have come to rely on online note-taking tools. Note-taking apps have in fact become powerful to the … Read more

20+ Best Design Collaboration Tools


Collaborative tools allow you to gain time, they make you avoid futile tasks and they make you see clearer the projects’ progress in a simple way. It is what helps many teams across the globe to finish their design projects on time, sharing information and feedback amongst all stakeholders involved. Let’s get to the list … Read more

Top Brain Hacks I Use To Boost Productivity

If you’re been reading my blog or following the mailers, you know I often talk about optimizing your routine and daily habits. But in this article, we will discuss another way to boost productivity: Brain hacks to optimize your brain. And it’s easier than you think. Treat this blog as a handy checklist and try … Read more

3 Chrome Extensions for Focus & Productivity


I have optimized by work environment using Digital Minimalism and I try to engage in deep work sessions every day. The following is a list of the top 3 Chrome Extensions that help me stay focused, boost my productivity, as well as help me sustain my deep work sessions without distractions. 1. ‘Web Activity Time … Read more

The CRI Model of Money & Marketing

CRI model

Over the past 10 years, I’ve run multiple experiments to grow my money with marketing. I’ve tried various models to manage experiments, processes, and mindsets. This year, I’ve created my own model to simplify everything I do. I call this the CRI model and it stands for Channels-Revenue-Investments. The CRI model covers: Channels – where … Read more

20 Daily Habits for 2020


There is no great year. There are only great days. Great days are defined by great daily habits. In 2019, I ran various productivity experiments to optimize my life by optimizing my days and this was one of the most transformational years I’ve had. I moved my focus from over-obsessing on goals to focusing on … Read more