I use the APOC Framework for LinkedIn content writing.
In this article, I’ll share how I use this framework and how it helped me double my LinkedIn post impressions.
LinkedIn is one of my key content channels where I talk about my startup journey, the online businesses that I’m building, as well as share tips on growth marketing and ecommerce.
And I’m excited to almost reach 16,000 (engaged) followers on LinkedIn.

My APOC Framework for Writing on LinkedIn
Here are the elements of the APOC Framework:
- A – Attention grabbing hook or headline with a statistic or number
- P – Personal connection by adding a picture and a story of how I solved a problem and what I learnt from it
- O – Organize the post using lists and emojis
- C – Conclude with a Call to Action or Close the loop based on the hook I started with
A for Attention:
- The hook is the most important to catch attention
- Make sure it’s relevant and you’re able to provide an insight by the end of the post that maps to the hook
P for Personal:
- Share a story or your experience
- Create content as a way to document your execution or learning journey
- This beats AI content every time!
O for Organize:
- Use lists and emojis to organise your post
- Make it easy on the eyes
- Break.it.down
C for Conclude:
- Call to action
- Closure to the hook
APOC Framework Examples
Here are some of my LinkedIn posts which are good examples of the APOC Framework in action: