Top 5 Priorities In Life

life priorities

Our time is limited. And survival is no longer a pursuit. So, The question is what are we supposed to do with our time? A lot of people answer this question with “PURPOSE”. Assuming that you HAVE found your purpose, is that all you should be doing with your time? The answer, if you want … Read more

Why I’m turning Pescetarian in 2020 after 29 years of Vegetarianism


Let’s define Pescetarianism before we get into this. For me, pescetarianism is predominantly vegetarian eating while supplementing with seafood when it’s fresh catch and locally available. – Rishabh Dev Here’s some background I was brought up as a vegetarian in an Indian brahmin family (not Bengali Brahmin) . In India, vegetarians usually consume dairy as … Read more

I Got Featured in Hindustan Times for Growth Hacking

Rishabh’s interview was recently featured in Hindustan Times on 3 February 2018. The original article and interview have been published here. It was a great interview with Rishabh Dev, where he shared his noteworthy expertise in Growth Hacking with the nation and spread the word. Using data, creativity and analysis to focus on a single … Read more

The Real Indian Brain Drain

This blog is based on an idea by Akshay Bharadwaj. For several decade after independence, India faced a severe problem of brain drain — the exodus of talented individuals to developed countries. Most professionals who went abroad, assimilated into the life and culture of their host countries, and became the others in their own home. When … Read more

My Interview Featured on EOIndia

Rishabh’s interview was recently featured on EOIndia in their 23rd Episode. Here’s a summary from the discussion: 1) How did you get your idea for this business? Before I started up on my own, I’d worked with multiple clients and agencies. Then, once bitten by the startup bug, I co-founded and consulted multiple startups. Through … Read more

Growth Hacking Workshop at IIT Guwahati’s Annual Entrepreneurship Fest UDGAM 2017

The IIT Guwahati Entrepreneurship Cell is a special interest group at IIT Guwahati and is responsible for activities and initiatives which would instill and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the IITG community as well as the youth of North-East India. It was an honor to be invited by them to conduct a growth hacking … Read more

Growth Hacking Session at Philips

It’s always fun to speak at a corporate on Growth Hacking! We got an invite from Philips Innovation Campus, Bangalore to have Rishabh conduct a growth hacking session for their design and product teams. We love it when big companies explore growth methodologies and the interesting mix of processes overlapping with growth frameworks is a … Read more

Growth Marketing Talk at Investopad Koramangala, Bangalore

The power of using unconventional channels in your digital marketing strategy is often overlooked. When Investopad, an early-stage startup investment firm approached me through our Twitter Growth Hacking workshop, I decided to talk about emerging and untapped opportunities within the current social space. The session, like most of my talks, was a cross between growth … Read more

Innovation Keynote Speaker at Symbiosis Bangalore

I was invited by Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) as a keynote speaker for their national level event called SYMPOSIO. It was a good experience speaking to future entrepreneurs and managers and to guide them on the importance of innovation. You can view the presentation of the keynote below: INNOVATION: 10 Ways to Innovate for Entrepreneurs … Read more

Learn, Share, Repeat.


This is the first post on this blog, written on 14 December 2015. The content and topics on the blog will change over time but the core idea will remain the same: To learn, share, and repeat. I run Mapplinks, a full service digital agency, and will share my learnings and experience here. From topics like … Read more