Top 30 Experiences Before I Turn 30

Because life is all about experiences I tramp the perpetual journey. My life is a collection of beautiful experiences. And since life’s short and unpredictable, I don’t waste any opportunities for deep, blissful experiences. I tramp the perpetual journey. My signs are nomadic freedom and openness of the mind. No friend of mine takes his … Read more

My Treks in the Western Himalayas

Solo Trekking the Himalayas & A Tribute to John Muir. “The mountains are calling and I must go.” ― John Muir We are wired to move. ’ve always been nomads. That’s how it was meant to be. That’s also why we often experience the irresistible urge to travel and explore. Most of us caught up in … Read more

My first illegal border crossing experience

Because borders exist only in our minds… My thoughts on one of my most thrilling experience, ever. Nothing to Declare… No custom offices, no biometrics.  No stamped identities, no bags. Just walking the earth as it was meant to be. Without luggage, tickets or tags. 15.04.2019 It was 15th April 2019, comfortably cold early morning in … Read more

Ăn Tết in Vietnam Like a Local

My first experience celebrating the lunar new year Celebrations begin many days before the first day of the new year and usually start with a lot of cleaning, followed by many ceremonies, visiting relatives, eating, drinking and exchanging gifts and loads of lucky money! Before we start celebrating, let’s learn about this lunar calendar thing. … Read more

My Journey along Route 13 in Laos

Living the Laotian life like the locals It was 15th January 2019 and I had been on Route 13 in Laos for almost 2 weeks now.. This road runs along the Mighty Mekong river, which acts as the natural boundary between Thailand and Laos. This road wasn’t an acquaintance anymore. Route 13 had now became dear … Read more

Laos Visa on Arrival for Indians

Here’s a fun stat before we start.. 35.38 million tourists arrived in Thailand in 2017 compared to only 3.86 million in Laos in the same year. Further, 1.19 million Indians arrived in Thailand in 2016 compared to just 8249 Indians in Laos in the same year. That makes Laos quite the offbeat destination for Indians. … Read more

Get rid of your Facebook News Feed

You don’t need your Facebook news feed. Step 1: Delete the Facebook app from your phone. Step 2: Check Facebook only on the web version during your distracted times of shallow work. Step 3: Even on the web, keep your shortcuts to a maximum of 3 most important links on Facebook. Step 4: Eradicate your newsfeed from the web … Read more

Going Offbeat in Laos

An offbeat journey of an offbeat traveler in an offbeat country . . . 2019 was here, and I wanted to move to a new country. I picked Laos, the landlocked country squeezed between Thailand (west border), Vietnam (east border), Cambodia (south border), and China (north border). Interestingly, Laos is the only landlocked country in … Read more