My Travel Highlights from 2018

Since we share so much location data with Google, the end of year is probably is good time to see it at one place. This is probably one of the good things Google does with your data – it organised your travel in a nice timeline with an email digest! (Yes, there are beautiful sides … Read more

Offbeat Thailand in 40 Days: My Itinerary

Going off the beaten track in Thailand, Slowly. . . . Disclaimer 1: This itinerary is for slow travel. Disclaimer 2: No parties, sex tourism, or pretentious insta-luxury travel included. Overview I decided to experience Thailand differently, and hence I moved North or South and never stayed central. The regions of Thailand include North, Central, South, and … Read more

51 Life Lessons from 2018

A better life, every day.   1. Daily habits are the secret to long term success. 2. It’s all about the mindset. 3. Never miss a chance to see the sunrise or sunset. 4. Short-term goals over long-term goals. 5. Death is Real. And it will happen to all of us. 6. Life is all about the present moment. 7. … Read more

10 Habits for a Better Life in 2019

Use Habits as Compound Interest for your Life. 1. Meditate for 10 minutes every day You can find easy guided meditations on YouTube or Meditation Apps. Just take 10 minutes from your day to schedule this and you’ll be recharged and energised to do the other things on this list. 2. Walk 10,000 steps every day The idea … Read more

Going Offbeat in South Thailand

A Guide for Alternative Travelers & Respectful Backpackers Disclaimer 1: This guide is not for party animals, sexpats and package tourists. Disclaimer 2: This is not a guide to the islands. It is based on my road trip along the mainland coast of Southern Thailand. When everyone is island-hopping, the mainland becomes the offbeat. I set off on … Read more

Atomic Habits: Key Takeaways

Leverage habits to get things done without using your will power reserves. 1. Habits are compound interest of self improvement 1.1. Small incremental changes can result in massive results. 1.2. If you improve just 1% each day, you’ll become 37.5% better by the end (also true for becoming worse). 1.3. This 1% choice seems insignificant … Read more

3 Stoic Meditations to Practice Everyday

1. View from Above How to: Zoom out of your life to your room, your city, your country, your planet, your solar system, your universe (which is only the observable universe) and then try to think about your problem. What this does: This puts your problem in perspective and you realize how everything is as … Read more

5 Unexplored Beaches in South Goa

Here are 5 of my favorite, unexplored beaches of South Goa! Go…! Carmona Beach Also known as Zalor beach by the locals, this beach is great for long walks and jogging as it’s part of the longest continuous stretch of beaches in South Goa: From Velsao to Betul.  This stretch also includes the more popular … Read more

Why I Quit Facebook & Instagram

This is an extended version of my recent interview published in Small Business Trends by Rob Starr. I am an entrepreneur, growth hacking consultant and new-age marketing trainer. Most of my work is about creative business growth through online channels. Been an entrepreneur since 2009, I now train other entrepreneurs and marketers at Mapplinks Academy to help them leverage unconventional, … Read more