B2B Marketing Hack: How I scheduled meetings with 100+ decision-makers in 30 days on a ZERO budget


Well, Who doesn’t want 100 potential B2B clients for free? This is how I use B2B marketing hack: I was approached by a services company for a B2B marketing project to set up meetings with decision-makers of product companies as a consulting project. Note that I’m not a sales consultant – I’m a growth hacker. … Read more

I Got Featured in Hindustan Times for Growth Hacking

Rishabh’s interview was recently featured in Hindustan Times on 3 February 2018. The original article and interview have been published here. It was a great interview with Rishabh Dev, where he shared his noteworthy expertise in Growth Hacking with the nation and spread the word. Using data, creativity and analysis to focus on a single … Read more

The Ultimate On-Page SEO Checklist

Let’s go to SEO Checklist. But first, Are you ready to hit ‘publish’? Think again. Now that you’ve created amazing, unique content. It’s time for you to make sure it gets the love it deserves. Remember: Your content won’t get all the visibility just by being awesome. You have to make sure you follow SEO … Read more

Offbeat Channels for SEO Keyword Research


Looking for alternative ways to do your SEO keyword research? In this article, I will cover different tools you can use to find the right keywords for your content and digital marketing strategy. Let’s start with a fun fact: Only 20% of the targeting fills 80% of the marketing funnel. The rest 80% of the … Read more

Introducing The Validation Marketing Framework


Before you introduce your product, the validation marketing must be done first. And in this article you will have an introduction that can help you to know how. Startups need to stay lean & agile in everything they do. The business model has been replaced by the Lean Startup and the MVP. Validation is key to any new … Read more

Growth Hacking Q&A


I’ve answered some of the most common Growth Hacking questions on Quora. Here’s a collection some of my best answers on growth hacking. Enjoy! 1. What is Growth Hacker Marketing? Short Answer: Growth Hacking is finding who your target audience is, identifying where they hang out and targeting them using creative campaigns on these channels. Simple … Read more

Things All Entrepreneurs Should Learn From Niccolo Machiavelli

Originally published under the Entrepreneurs category by Rishabh Dev on iamwire. Few people in entire human history enjoy a reputation as strong as Niccolo Machiavelli. So much so, that his name is now an adjective in common parlance, often spoken in a dreadful manner. In his book, The Prince, Machiavelli outlines those traits that shaped … Read more

Digital Marketers create User Personas, Growth Hackers create Channel Personas

A growth hacker thinks beyond the default marketing channel personas to get better results, with less time and money. Doubting the Default is a key characteristic of a growth mindset. While creating user personas is an essential step of a marketing strategy, traditional digital marketers tend to be blind toward exploring channel personas. It’s limit them … Read more

The Growth Hacking Dictionary


I’ve put together this growth hacking dictionary to provide a common place for the growth hacking ecosystem. Also its help to define the terms we use. As Growth Hackers, we use uber-cool, sometimes confusing, sometimes buzzword-y terminology while hustling with their growth experiments, speaking in technical marketing events, and running innovative campaigns. To ensure the … Read more

6 Social Media Marketing Lessons That Samurai Can Teach You

Originally published in the “Social media marketing” category by Rishabh Dev on AgoraPulse. Inspiration is everywhere. All that is needed is observation. For social marketers, especially, this inspiration can come from the most unsuspecting corners, like the Samurai. The Samurai principles of life, the Bushido, have always intrigued people all over the world. This unwritten … Read more

Growth Hacking Workshop at IIT Guwahati’s Annual Entrepreneurship Fest UDGAM 2017

The IIT Guwahati Entrepreneurship Cell is a special interest group at IIT Guwahati and is responsible for activities and initiatives which would instill and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the IITG community as well as the youth of North-East India. It was an honor to be invited by them to conduct a growth hacking … Read more