I Quit Facebook and Instagram for One Year

Yes. It’s over.

But let’s see where it all began.

As always, It started with a book…

The first time I read Deep Work by Cal Newport, I ran some new productivity experiments starting September 2017.

I started scheduling my shallow work and distractions like email and social media and taking dedicated deep work sessions every week.

As a next step, I switched to a minimalist Facebook with no newsfeed.

Fast forward to now, September 2018, I quit Facebook and Instagram.

That’s right. No more sharing snapshots of my uber-cool-digital-nomad-lifestyle on Facebook & Instagram.

No more Insta-stories, No more Insta-messages, No more Facebook-posts, No more Feeds-or-Feeding.

For my growth hacking tribe, I will continue to add value to the community and share growth hacking gyaan on the Growthnation Facebook group. In fact, my communities will get more focus and attention.

With regard to all other updates, I will be Blogging without SEO and YouTubing without Video Marketing. Raw, Unedited, and Unfiltered.

The experiment will continue until September 2019 when, in true growth hacker spirit, I’ll analyse results and decide the next steps accordingly.


Rishabh Dev

Nomad, Minimalist, Growth Hacker.

Update on September 2019:

After an amazing and productive one-year social media detox, I’m back with occasional posts on social media with a no-newsfeed model. That is, I won’t be consuming content in feeds but only sharing milestones and important updates on my profile.

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